Fisher House Program

Overview of Fisher House™ Program
A Fisher House™ is a "home away from home" for families and caregivers of Veterans and service members receiving treatment at major military and VA medical facilities. VA Fisher House accommodations are provided at no cost to guests and located within walking distance of the treatment facility. VA Fisher Houses provide temporary accommodations at no cost for Veterans, service members, their families, and caregivers while receiving treatment through a VA medical facility.
Fisher House Locations
Albany, New York | Denver, Colorado | Orlando, Florida |
Albuquerque, New Mexico | Gainesville, Florida | Palo Alto, California (2 houses) |
Ann Arbor, Michigan | Greater Los Angeles, California | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
Augusta, Georgia | Houston, Texas (3 houses) | Portland, Oregon |
Bay Pines, Florida (2 houses) | Huntington, West Virginia | Richmond, Virginia (2 houses) |
Boston, Massachusetts | Kansas City, Missouri | Salt Lake City, Utah |
Bronx, New York (2 houses) | Las Vegas, Nevada | San Antonio, Texas |
Charleston, South Carolina | Lexington, Kentucky | Seattle, Washington |
Chicago, Illinois | Long Beach, California | St. Louis, Missouri |
Cincinnati, Ohio | Miami, Florida | Tampa, Florida (2 houses) |
Cleveland, Ohio (2 houses) | Minneapolis, Minnesota (2 houses) | Togus, Maine |
Columbia, Missouri | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Tucson, Arizona |
Columbia, South Carolina | Murfreesboro, Tennessee | Washington, DC |
Dallas, Texas | New Orleans, Louisiana | West Haven, Connecticut |
Dayton, Ohio | Omaha, Nebraska | West Palm Beach, Florida |
A rapid expansion is planned from 54 to 75 VA Fisher Houses by 2030. To learn more, go to the Fisher House Foundation website.
Directory of Fisher House Locations by State
Find a Fisher House and local contact information
Hero Miles
Fisher House Foundation administers the Hero Miles Program: a service that provides round-trip airfare to eligible wounded, injured, and ill service members and/or their families who are undergoing treatment at a military or VA medical center and to attend authorized events. Flights are made possible through frequent flyer mile donations made by individual airline passengers.
There are two categories of eligible recipients:
- Wounded, injured, and ill service members on approved leave may be given round-trip airline ticket for a trip from the medical center to their home or to attend an authorized event, if they are not eligible for government funded airfare.
- Wounded, injured, and ill service members may be given a round-trip airline ticket to enable their family or close friends to visit them while they are undergoing treatment at an authorized medical center.
- The request for tickets originates with the service member and is forwarded to the Fisher House Foundation by social work staff or the family assistance center at a medical center or through service casualty offices. Fisher House™ is proud to partner with Hero Miles in support of our wounded and injured service men and women and their families.
- Eligibility may be considered for individuals designated as approved family caregivers for Veterans through the VA Caregiver Support program for one time use of the Hero Miles Program to support caregiver respite. To learn more visit Fisher House™ Programs. *
*Disclaimer: Links will take you outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked websites.