VHA Social Work
Social work services are an integral part of your overall health care. Social workers are available to assist you in a variety of settings to include the primary care clinic, during hospitalization, at Emergency Department visits, in mental health and rehabilitation units and upon enrollment in specialty medical programs. The mission of VA Social Workers is to assist Veterans, their families, and caregivers in resolving Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) challenges to health and well-being. Social Work is woven into the fabric of VA health care, providing clinical interventions and services across the VA continuum of care.
History of Social Work within VA
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs is the largest employer of master’s level social workers in the United States. Social Workers have worked in the VA since 1926. Veterans Bureau General Order 351 dated June 16, 1926, established the VA Social Work Service in VA Central Office outlining its organization and functions. Ms. Francis Foster, a neuro-psychiatric social worker from Cincinnati, was hired to begin setting up the National Social Work program and to assist in the transition of social work staff from the Red Cross to VA. The first-year staffing consisted of 14 social workers who were placed in psychiatric hospitals and twenty-two placed in regional offices throughout the country. From this modest beginning, social work has evolved into a professional service with treatment responsibilities in all patient care areas, helping Veterans, their families, and caregivers to achieve their highest level of adjustment/coping in society, promoting vocational and psychosocial rehabilitation.
What We Do
VA Social Work as a Career
VA Traineeships
What We Do
Social workers are in all VHA program areas in VA facilities who are ready to help with most any need. If the Veteran have questions or problems, the social worker will be able to help or can refer the Veteran to the right person for help.
⇒ Find out what social workers do.
VA Social Work as a Career
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs is the largest employer of Master’s level social workers in the United States. Social Workers have worked in the VA since 1926. There are many opportunities available to professional social workers interested in serving veterans and military families.Learn more about VA social work career opportunities.
VA Traineeships
Many universities and colleges with social work programs have affiliation agreements for students to complete field placements at VA facilities.
Discover social work intership opportunites
VA Social Workers – over 90 years of Serving Veterans 
VA is the largest employer of Social Workers in the Nation with over 15,000 Master's prepared social workers on staff. The VA has a rich history of social work innovators and leaders as well as the profession’s commitment to improving social conditions and quality of life opportunities for Veterans, their families, and caregivers.
In 2016, Social Workers at VA medical facilities nationwide took part in a variety of activities as part of the 90th Anniversary of VA Social Work, to highlight the key role social workers play in helping our nation's Veterans obtain needed care and services. The theme for the anniversary was, "VA Social Work: 90 Years of Excellence."
Social Work in VA celebrates 90 years - The Story of just one Veteran who has made it his career